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2024 PA FAIR Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 22.06.30.png

Collaborative Project Management

Since 2022 manages the FAIR Implementation project for the Life Science industry with the Pistoia Alliance. The project participants access a world-class expert community of practitioners and decision-makers implementing the FAIR principles in pharma and the life sciences through online meetings, workshops, and live events.


Business and Innovation

Supported  the PRECINCT EU project (Preparedness and Resilience Enforcement for Critical INfrastructure Cascading Cyberphysical Threats and effects with focus on district or regional protection). Coordinated the business model, market analysis and consortium exploitation plans deliverable, contributed to the white paper recommendations to the EU Commission, and co-created the consortium ROI resilience metrics for critical infrastructures.


Grenoble Ecole de Management Advanced Master in Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Management Teaches Competitive Intelligence, Serious Games, supervises Master Thesis and Innovation projects. The international program, in English, is a top 10 ranked program in health management attracting international talent.

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Patient-centric innovation

Created the concept for the Day One Health Hack, a patient centric innovation ecosystem and event, and facilitated its first editions 2020-2021.


Expert Roles

Expert for the EU Commission and the Swiss Innovation Agency.

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Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs

Member of an expert panel  consulted by the SERI, Swiss Federal Department of Economic Affairs for an assessment of the innovation models in Switzerland.

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Digital Health

Member of the expert panel consulted for the creation of a novel eHealth assessment tool for patient-centric applications.

Book Editor

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Main editor of a reference book designed for students and professionals interested in the applications of printed and organic electronics. The chapters are contributed by international experts in their respective fields, including fundamental physics, printing techniques, OLEDs, transistors, sensors, smart textiles, photovoltaics, environmental impact, innovation management and roadmapping. 

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Member of the editorial team for the 9th edition of the Roadmap for Flexible, Organic and Printed Electronics 2023.

The roadmap is recognized by industry, government agencies, and scientists as an important framework and tool for defining what is “state of the art” in flexible, organic and printed electronics.

Based on the work of more than 100 experts, this publication represents the common perspectives of the OE-A and its members.

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Panel Moderation

2023 session chair and moderation: lessons learned from FAIR implementation in pharma companies with Tom Plasterer (AstraZeneca), Vitaly Sedlyarov (Boehringer-Ingelheim), and Martin Romacker (Roche), during the Pistoia Alliance annual conference in Boston, MA.

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Panel Moderation

2023 implementing FAIR  data principles in life sciences: Bérénice Wulbrecht, Aishwarya Balajee and Tom Plasterer (AstraZeneca)

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Panel Moderation

2023 with Benoit Baurens (Akkodis), Cristiano Passerini (Lepida), Pedro Homem de Gouveia (Polis Network) on the outcomes of the collaborative PRECINCT project for the prevention of cascading effects in connected Critical Infrastructures, providing more resilience against cyber/physical threats. 

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Panel Moderation

LOPEC 2022 -  Women in Printed Electronics: new leadership for new applications and industries, with Luisa Prista (European Commission), Helen Kardan (ASML), Nina Riegel (OSRAM) and Corinne VERSINI (GenesInk)

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Panel Moderation

LOPEC 2023 Panel Moderation: Standards in Printed Electronics with Gity Samadi / SEMI , Francisco Fourcade / IPC and Andreas Willert / IEC .

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